This case study focuses on developing the NaturCycle application with the goal of designing a comprehensive solution that aligns with both client desires and business objectives. The app will offer key features to clients, including Skin Analysis, Recycling, and Educational Programs, all aimed at raising awareness of environmental conservation.
the conventional experience
After conducting interviews before diving into developing Naturcycle’s mobile application, I came to conclusion on the cycle of many beauty products
Purchase products
Uses the product
Dispose product package
Switch brands
The problem
This application also aim to provide convenience and a thorough understanding of the production from each products, offering sustainability programs for user to participate and include reviews from customers to enhance a seamless experience in one application
client lean canvas
Understanding the common goals
NaturCycle leads the way in transforming human waste into cosmetics, making a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. By conducting thorough research on competitors in the eco-friendly cosmetics market, we have identified their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis has enabled us to develop a strategic mobile application designed to enhance user experiences.
Let’s dive into my research
Competitive analysis
We started by researching NaturCycle’s biggest competitors who offer similar product types and emphasize sustainability, laying the foundation before delving deeper into the mobile application’s features.
Comparative matrix
Users first.
After conducting thorough market and competitor research, we deepened our understanding of our target audiences. In this case study, we explore the development of both qualitative and quantitative personas to refine the requirements for the user experience. To achieve the best results, we conducted interviews with our Qualitative Persona to gain real user insights.
Quantitative persona
qualitative persona
Journey map
Mobile first.
Desktop later.
After selecting two rough sketches, we proceeded to gather feedback to determine the most optimal landing page design. This feedback was crucial in refining the layout to ensure it met user needs and expectations.
Based on user feedback during the A/B testing, we finalized with the final landing page and proceed to sketch the remaining tabs that flows coherently with the landing page without compromising the keyfeatures that are client’s wishlist
Bringing ideas to life
In the final phase of high-fidelity wireframing, a set of icons is included at the bottom of the app to highlight the specific pages users are navigating to. This addition ensures easy and intuitive navigation, enhancing the overall user experience.
Colour in Prototype:
Vanessa Yong © 2024
Designed with Figma built on Framer.